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Open Calls in ESA Earth Observation

Open Calls in ESA Earth Observation is an opportunity for industry, SMEs and research community to propose new activities outside of the standard ESA work-plan. 

NOSA's assessment:

The scope of the call is to test and verify your idea. Innovative ideas that focus on exploitation of EO datasets and implementation of innovative applications will be prioritized. The simplified proposal template makes it also easier for new players to apply for funding. The time from evaluation to negotiation is short for this type of calls.

ESA receives many high level proposals, but resubmitted proposals have a significant success rate, so try again if your proposal does not make it the first time. We also see that new players get more or less the same number of contracts as experienced bidders in this call.

NOSA contact: Vigdis Lonar, vigdis.lonar@spaceagency.no


ESA information:

ESA Open Call for Earth Observation projects will continue with three submission dates in 2025:  

The particular focus for innovative activities under each element is as follows:

Industrial competitiveness
Digital Innovation
Sentinel Users Preparation

Take a look at the website for more information about these elements. 

Each proposal shall be situated under one (1) of the following two categories:

  • Regular innovative activities, with a maximum budget of 200 kEur and a maximum duration of 18 months.
  • Fast innovative activities, with a maximum budget of 100 kEur and a maximum duration of 6 months.


Please note that proposals may be submitted at any time while they will be evaluated on a regular basis at specific submission dates.

Upcoming dates are:

Batch 5
Submission deadline: 30 January 2025, 13:00 hours (Amsterdam time zone)

Batch 6
Submission deadline: 30 May 2025, 13:00 hours (Amsterdam time zone)

Batch 7
Submission deadline: 30 September 2025, 13:00 hours (Amsterdam time zone)

Learn more about this Invitation To Tender on the esa-star Publication page.

Find out more about the Open Call activities in the dedicated page (e.g. project summaries, news, stories, events and training material).